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Happiness via hydration – A business owner’s best friend

Hydration and happiness

As business owners, we’re always looking for ways to influence our clients, and make them happy. Interestingly, research by scientists from Yahoo Labs and Georgia Tech revealed a finding that restaurants, as a business, were much more likely to receive negative reviews on days when the weather was bad. Similar results were noticed for beauty salons that didn't have the kind of setting that made them feel comfortable during treatments. These are just a couple of important points out of countless other factors that can contribute towards altering the mood of visitors or prospective clients, leading them to make a decision on whether or not to do business with you. What’s really useful to know is that there are dozens of small things you can implement to improve the mood of your prospects and reduce their friction to purchase. For instance, simply keeping them hydrated can make them happier, which if you keep in mind can be the kind of psychological insight to help bring in more more business.

What can prevent a client from making a decision to buy?

Contrary to what you may believe humans often make decisions based on of how they are feeling in that moment, rather than rational logic. Though moods normally last for a short span of time, they are responsible for shaping people's choices. A negative mood can often lead to a person delaying important decisions. Alternatively, happy confident and optimistic people are usually associated with decisiveness and success.

There are various factors that can affect a prospective client’s mood. For example, if an offer doesn’t match their expectations, or they don’t feel they’re getting real value for money, an honest sales pitch or a good level of service. You may be surprised to know that their mood can also be influenced if they are dehydrated. Dehydration, even at levels as low as 1.5% less than optimum is enough to alter not just someone's mood, but energy levels too. According to a new research conducted by the Human Performance Lab at the University of Connecticut, it doesn’t matter if someone is sitting at rest or moving around – the negative effects of mild dehydration can impact a person's concentration, reasoning, learning, and memory. In addition to that, it can lead to fatigue, lethargy and a bad mood too – bad news for business owners.

What can you offer your prospects to make them happy?

There are specific things sellers can do to help lift their client’s mood, and therefore increase the likelihood for them to buy. Honesty, understanding and great customer service should work well to keep your customers happier. Helping your prospects stay hydrated can also help. If you use a plumbed in water cooler you don’t have to worry about keeping a slew of plastic bottled water on one side should your clients be interested in quenching their thirst. Alternatively, bottleless office water coolers can be directly connected to your building's main water supply, allowing you to have exactly what your clients need, whilst being more friendly to the environment. Not only will this provide you with an unlimited supply of purified water to drink, your clients can choose to drink this water as they want it - hot, cold, and even sparkling. You can also choose to serve coffee, mocktails, juices or aerated drinks at your outlet, which are a nice way to not just offer hydration to your clients but also let them see you’re going the extra mile for them, helping to form a good impression about your business.


Many of us experience some level of dehydration during the daily course of our routine activities, which can make us susceptible to the adverse mental and physical effects of dehydration. By helping your clients or prospective buyers stay hydrated, you can make them happier and secure a smooth transaction with them instead of letting them get swayed by a sudden turn in mood and choose to walk away from that all-important purchase decision. Happy, hydrated clients could be just what you need to achieve higher sales, and a bottleless water cooler is certainly a great way to start.