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Take action on global water issues - Join the worldwide movement!

World Water Day

Today 748 million people around the world still have no clean water to drink.

WaterAid America

It’s not enough that the human body is made up of up to 60% water, but our lives revolve around water. On a daily basis we use water in restrooms, for hygiene purposes, to cook and of course to drink. Some of us take for granted the fact that not only do we have access to water every day, but we also have access to clean water. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for everyone.

As stated by WaterAid America748 million people around the world still have no clean water to drink or to use, which causes more than 500,000 children to die every year from water-related diseases – that’s over 1,400 children a day or one child every minute!

As active citizens of this world, it’s up to us to raise awareness about global water and its sanitation crisis, which is why organizations such as Water Aid exist.

Water Aid works to improve the quality of life through improvements of safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.And to enhance water sanitation efforts, Water Aid acknowledges every March 22nd as World Water Day.Water Aid uses this day to celebrate water, make a difference for those who suffer from water-related issues and to plan how water issues can be changed in the future.

So what can you do to make a difference?

Make Your Voice be Heard

Pledge your support by speaking out about the importance of making water sanitation a global priority through the Sustainable Development Goals.

Wear #Blue4Water on Friday, March 20

Search your closet and take a selfie! Find your favorite blue piece of clothing and post a selfie of you in blue on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram including the hashtags #blue4water and #WorldWaterDay.

Give the Gift of Water

With a one-time or monthly donation to Water Aid’s safe water programs – you can help provide one child access to safer water and even help construct a one-mile water pipeline. Make your donation today!

Based on Water Aid statistics, approximately three children could have lost their lives due to water-related diseases from the time you started reading this post to now. Get involved today!